New message to Marshall Opel

More Details

Business name

Unplugged Wellness

Years of experience

20 years


English, Spanish

Qualification / Certifications

Masters of Education, Certified Mindfulness Instructor, Wilderness First Responder

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Hey, I’m Marshall Opel Lucas Matelich
5.0 Joined 30 May, 2024


Marshall and Lucas grew up eleven months and five houses apart in Missoula, Montana– a community whose fabric is intimately interwoven with the natural world. Athletic pursuits led them astray. After college their paths continued to diverge. Lucas pursued a career in coaching, teaching, and a Master's degree in Education while Marshall worked in the bike industry facilitating group experiences and coached competitive cross country skiing. A camping trip in 2016 reconnected them over mutually held passions for public health, the natural world, and bikes. This trip planted the seeds for a journey that, at the time, they dubbed Project Primal. A project, rooted in evolutionary biology, aimed to help humans reorient with the ancestral wisdom inscribed in our DNA. Marshall and Lucas sat around the fire that weekend sipping La Croix and spit-balling their core beliefs on the world today. It’s changed a bit since 2016 but not much. The human genome was shaped over millenia living in nomadic hunter-gatherer tribes. In the snap of an evolutionary finger we now exist in a society accelerated by the forces of progress and technology. In this sense: we are modern hominids. By modern they mean now, today, 2024. And by Hominid they mean our taxonomy– one step larger than our genus and species is our family, the Hominids, along with great apes, chimpanzees, and bonobos. We are modern hominids or as Harvard Sociobiologist E. O. Wilson puts it, “We have Paleolithic brains, medieval institutions, and godlike technologies.” Same humans, new world. A concrete world in which we have become disconnected, estranged, and civilized to death. Or civilized to unnecessary suffering, at the very least. Our path forward involves accepting reality as it is while simultaneously holding that things can be better. That drip by drip the bucket gets filled, in a grass-rootsy kind of way. It involves a shift in our ways, bringing us into alignment with our genetic hardwiring; into alignment with the modern hominids that we are. The seeds of Project Primal have since germinated and continue to blossom as Unplugged, whose methodology is no rocket science. The ingredients are simple, obvious, effective, and draw upon our primordial wisdom. Things like movement in nature, long form conversation, and gathering in community.

1 Reviews
5.0 out of 5

Tosh Swain

03 Nov, 2024


5.0 We ❤️ Lucas & Marshall!

These guys are some of the most genuine, generous, and down-to-earth dudes in Salt Lake City. We couldn't be more grateful for Lucas, Marshall, and their whole crew. They started Unplugged Wellness, bringing people together over wholesome retreats and community events that make you feel alive. Naturally, every event is full of the raddest people—kind, friendly people who enjoy playing out in nature, and who value their mental health. One of our favorite events (in close running with Capture the Flag) is the Dunbar Ride in SLC—a free, fun community cruise on bikes. It reminds me of cruisin' with my squad in the 90s 😂