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Years of experience

40 years



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I worked in Hollywood animation studios and learned tricks I didn't learn in art school, I took Richard Williams Animation Masterclass, I taught animation and storyboards for 15 years at Academy of Art University in San Francisco, I've animated two of my

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Hey, I’m Gene Hamm
0.0 Joined 11 Oct, 2022


I started in animation in 1978 on Ralph Bashi's Lord of The Rings. I learned tricks working in Hollywood animation studios that they don't teach in art school. I make things simple and fun. I love seeing the look on people's faces when they thought they couldn't draw and find out they really can.

Gene’s Experience Listings


How To Draw Anime Characters

The cool thing about Japanese animation (anime) is that it bridges the gap between realism and cartoon. Learn how to draw your own anime character in my 90-minute online class, both funny and educational. I will show you how to draw an anime head from different angles (front, side, back, three-quarters, looking up and looking down). You'll learn the difference between a male anime face and a female anime face. We'll cover how to draw expressions on the face, and how to draw hair. As an animator myself, I'll show you all the simple tips and tricks that I learned in Hollywood. My animated feature Hell Toupee (streaming on has been described as an American anime. If you think you can't draw, you'll be surprised what a little framework will do for your art. Try my online class. And don't be afraid to ask questions, I love questions!

Mon, Sep 16 · 1:00 PM show more


How to Cartoon & Caricature the Face

So you think you can't draw? By the end of our drawing lesson, you'll find a drawing talent you didn't know you had. I'll show you the tips & tricks I learned at Hollywood Cartoon Studio, and all the techniques they don't teach you in art school, but should. We'll draw the cartoon head from every angle, add expressions to the face, and I'll show you how to create your own "all purpose critter" by changing one or two facial elements. You're going to do a lot of laughing as you learn, and by the end, you'll know how to caricature your friends and family without hurting their feelings 🙂

Mon, Sep 16 · 2:30 PM show more


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